PMAY-G: Things To Know About Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Scheme 2021

7 min readJun 1, 2021


PMAY- G 2021

No matter where we reside on this beautiful planet we call home, all of us share a common goal of owning our own home one day. If you have been planning to build yourself a house for sometime now, and you reside in rural India, this article is for you, as we will be discussing everything you need to know about the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Scheme, formerly known as the PMAYG Scheme.

Brief Introduction

If you have been keeping a tab on the various developmental projects undertaken by the Central government in recent years, chances are that you have definitely come across the PMAYG Scheme. Launched in April of 2016, this a housing development scheme by nature, and it arrives with the aim of providing “Housing for All ‘’ by the end of 2022.

As the name suggests, this scheme is focused on the rural areas of the country and is a part of the original PMAY scheme in a broader perspective. The central proponent of the scheme is to provide pucca houses to residents of rural areas across India and provide them with houses that arrive with basic amenities. One of the key differentiators of this scheme from others in its bandwidth is that it only aims at providing houses to those who currently reside in severely damaged houses or have no house to their name at all.

At the earlier stages of its introduction, the PMAYG Scheme aimed at building pucca houses with a minimum carpet area of 20 square metres; however, since then, through regular revisions, it has been increased to 25 square metres.


Although the details of the PMAYG Scheme are extensive, shared below is a snapshot of its central proponents.

PMAYG Official Details

Official Website /

Toll Free Number

1800–11–6446 / 1800–11–8111

Complaints or Suggestion /

PMAYG Beneficiary Registration Guide

Click to Download Manual

State Wise Contact Person Details

PMAYG Implementation Officials


Android and iOS

Features of the PMAY G Scheme

The features of the PMAYG Scheme are overarching in nature, and mentioned below are some of the most significant ones.

  • If the pucca house is being constructed in a plain area, then the cost of the project will be shared in a 60:40 ratio between the State and the Central Government, with maximum financial assistance of upto ₹1.20 lakh for each constructed unit.
  • If the pucca house is being constructed in the hilly areas such as the Himalayan states, northeastern states, and the Union Territory (UT) of Jammu & Kashmir, then the cost of the project will be borne by the Central and State governments under a 90:10 ratio, with maximum financial assistance of ₹1.30 lakh per constructed unit.
  • If the pucca house is being constructed in a UT (Union Territory) including Ladakh, the cost of the project will be 100% borne by the Central government.
  • If the beneficiary of the project is engaging unskilled labour, the same will be compensated by MGNREGS, with a maximum cap of ₹90.95 per day.
  • Identification of beneficiaries is conducted based on the parameters shared by the SECC or the Socio-Economic and Caste Census and subsequently verified by the Gram Sabhas.
  • Once the pucca house has been constructed, an additional amount of up to ₹12,000 per unit will be provided for the construction of a proper toilet under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin (SBM-G) in collaboration with MGNREGS and other related schemes.
  • All the payments will be directly made to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries either at a Post Office or other financial institution, only if the same has been previously linked with Aadhar number.

Eligibility Criteria

By now, you must be wondering about the eligibility criteria for this scheme and some of the most significant ones are as mentioned below.

  • Families with no houses to their name anywhere in India.
  • Families residing in houses with zero, one or two kutcha walls and a subsequent kutcha roof.
  • Families not having an adult of 25 years or above who is literate.
  • Households not having an adult male in the age bracket of 18 to 59 years.
  • Families with no adult members between the ages of 16 to 59 years.
  • Families having no able-bodied members and with a specially-abled member.
  • Households having no land to their name and those who derive income from casual labor.
  • Minorities falling under Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Caste (SC), Other Backward Caste (OBC).

Please note that the above factors are taken into consideration, and a subsequent deprivation score is calculated based on which the eligibility criteria is checked.

Additionally, if any of the following criteria are met, the household or family will not be eligible under this scheme.

  • Beneficiaries who have at least one two-wheeler, three-wheeler, four-wheeler or motorized agricultural vehicle.
  • Beneficiaries who hold a Kizan Credit Card, KCC with a credit limit of ₹50,000 and above.
  • If the beneficiary resides in a household with any member being employed with the State or Central government and having a net monthly income of ₹10,000.
  • If the beneficiary pays income tax, professional tax, or already owns a landline connection and or refrigerator.

Documents Required

In order to apply for the PMAY G Scheme, you will need to have the following documents present with you.

  • Aadhar number and card of the beneficiary.
  • Consent form to use Aadhar number on behalf of the beneficiary.
  • Job card number, which is registered with MGNREGA.
  • Swachh Bharat Mission or SBM number of the beneficiary.
  • Bank account details of the beneficiary either at a financial institution or Post Office, which is mandatorily linked to the beneficiary’s Aadhar Card.

How To Apply For the Scheme

Now that you have collected all the required documents and met the eligibility criteria mentioned below is the series of steps you need to follow in order to apply for the PMAY G Scheme.

The application process can be broadly divided into four main categories, with the beneficiary requiring to fill each of them in synergy.

  • Personal details of the beneficiary
  • Bank account details of the beneficiary
  • Convergence details of the beneficiary
  • Details from the competent authority in this regard

In order to complete the application process, undertake the steps mentioned below.

  • Visit the official website of the PMAY G Scheme 2021 by clicking here.
  • Start by sharing your details under the Personal Details section of the application form.
  • This will include sharing your name, gender, mobile number, Aadhar Card number.
  • In the next screen, upload the consent form for using your Aadhar number to verify your details.
  • Once done, click on the search button so that the system can scout the database for the beneficiary name and other relevant information such as the PMAY ID and priority number, which is automatically generated by the system.
  • Locate the button which reads “Select to Register” and click on the same.
  • The details of the beneficiary will automatically be generated and displayed on your screen.
  • Cross-check all the details being displayed on your screen, followed by sharing the missing information such as your ownership type, relationship with Aadhar Card Holder etc.
  • Reupload the consent form to use the Aadhar number of the beneficiary.
  • Navigate to the next page and enter the bank account details of the beneficiary, which will include the name of the beneficiary, account number, bank name and IFSC code, among others.
  • If you want to avail a loan, select the loan tab and share the total loan amount you will require.
  • Navigate to the next screen and enter your MGNREGA job card number and SBM (Swachh Bharat Mission) number of the beneficiary.
  • Click on submit. The remaining details will be completed by the concerned office.

Post Application Process

Once you have completed the application process from your end, you will need to wait for sometime and await the arrival of the PMAY-G Beneficiary List, which includes all the approved beneficiaries for the grant.

Some of the most significant points to note in this regard are as follows:

  • The government will make use of the Socio-Economic Caste Census of 2011 (SECC) list to identify the beneficiaries.
  • According to the precedent set by the SECC list, a final list will be created by the government.
  • This list will be sent to the Gram Sabhas for subsequent verification.
  • Once all the verification stages are completed, a final list of beneficiaries will be created and published.

PMAYG Subsidy Scheme

Another noteworthy feature of the PMAYG Scheme is the fact that beneficiaries are also extended the option of availing a subsidized loan of ₹70,000 from a financial institution.

This loan from a financial institution generally bears the following salient features.

  • Interest subsidy is capped at a maximum of 3%.
  • The maximum principal amount in order to avail the subsidy should not exceed ₹200,000.
  • The maximum amount of subsidy a beneficiary can avail for the payment of EMI should not exceed ₹38,359.


If you reside in rural India, applying for the PMAY G scheme and subsequently getting approved for it can mean the difference between you having a pucca house. Now that you know all the details of the scheme, as well as how to apply for it, go ahead and file the application today.




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